Specializing in School Sports, Sports Leagues, and School Portraits: Serving West Michigan (616)874-9101
Frequently Asked Questions
What are your office hours?
Our office hours are Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Can I order photos after picture day?
If ordering after picture day, please call our studio to confirm that your child was photographed. If orders have already been delivered to your organization, there will be a small shipping fee ($5), or you may pick up your photos from our studio at no additional charge.
I have already ordered. Can I change or add to my order?
You can order additional products either online or by calling our office. To make changes to your order, please call or email us. If orders have already been delivered to your organization, there will be a small shipping fee ($5), or you may pick up your photos from our studio at no additional charge.
Can I order photos from previous years?
We hold onto photos for several years. Please call our studio to confirm availability and to place your order.
Do you offer refunds?
We happily offer a money back guarantee within 90 days, with the return of your original photos. Digital downloads are nonrefundable.
Do you take Senior Portraits?
We do not take Senior Portraits, but we can recommend several local businesses that provide that service:
Black Swan Imagery…blackswanimagery@gmail.com…https://blackswanimagery.com
Wise Photography…616-866-9350…https://wisephotography.com/
Jordan Cheyanne Photography (Jordan Nelson)…616-822-8633…jordancheyannephotos@gmail.com…www.facebook.com/jordancheyannephotography
Griffith Photography…616-885-8223…https://griffith.photography/